The Eagley FC players have entered a four hour gruelling ‘Cycle Athon’ at Nuffield Bolton to raise funds for the local Bolton Lads and Girl Club. The cycling event will take place at Nuffield Gym, Watersmeeting, next Saturday the 10th June where the lads will hope to complete the session with a live DJ at hand to keep them going! Manager Simon Whaley has organised his players to enter and being an ex Bolton Lads Club footballer it was an easy decision to make, saying:
‘ The lads and girl’s club is great place for youngsters to go, whether they play sport there or attend the youth sessions available. I had some great times there playing football where we had a fantastic team under Colin Hayes and Alan Taylor, and some really memorable times. I then returned as a volunteer youth worker a few years ago and saw the fabulous work that goes on there and the way they help the youngsters of Bolton, so helping them is the least we can do.’
If you can help by sponsoring the lads with what ever you can please call Simon on 07887 416156 or email: